Hello world!

Nam Pho

Nam Pho

Director for Research Computing

tl;dr (1) decomissioned a cluster, (2) got a bunch of GPUs for maching learning, (3) launched a cluster, and (4) new and improved documentation.

2020 has definitely been an eventful year but here on Team Hyak we've been trying to make the best of a bad situation (lemons out of lemonade and such). This year saw the decomissioning of the 1st generation Hyak cluster, ikt, and the soft launch of our 3rd generation Hyak cluster, klone. Our partnership with the Allen School and other departments across campus has enabled an explosion in on-campus GPU capacity for the current 2nd generation Hyak cluster, mox. This is all very exciting, machine learning is only going to get bigger. We realize whether you do your research on your laptop, Hyak, or the cloud that at the end of the day it's all just a computer and what matters is what you can actually do with it. Therefore, we are placing more emphasis on new and improved documentation (this website) and will be doing more regular research tutorials on Hyak throughout the coming year.

We hope you have weathered the adversity 2020 brought upon everyone. It has been a tough year for sure, but may your 2021 be brighter and have improvements in store. The Hyak Team has lots of efforts in the works to benefit supporting your research and they will hit full stride in the coming year. This is one improvement we can all look forward to in 2021.


Nam Pho

Nam Pho

Director for Research Computing

Over the past year we've done a bunch of outreach to labs within the genomics community here at the UW. Given my research background it's where I feel most comfortable and this type of research is underrepresented on the cluster. Given where the field is going it's inconceivable they aren't using Hyak or HPC in general! Those lab closet clusters and under bench servers gotta go, there is a better way and we'll show you how to do some scRNA-seq today ๐Ÿ™‚