Scheduling Jobs


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As previously mentioned, when you first ssh into klone you land on one of the two login nodes (e.g., klone-login01). Login nodes are shared amongst all users to transfer data, navigate the file system, and request resource slices to perform heavy duty computing. You should never use login nodes for heavy compute and automated mechanisms exist to monitor and enforce violations. The tool used to notify users of violations is "arbiter2" and you will receive an email for each offending process (Gardner, Migacz, and Haymore 2019).

To keep the login node in stable working order and ensure fair usage of the login node as a community resource, HYAK has a job scheduling software that will give you access to other nodes (i.e., different computers that are part of the klone cluster). The job scheduler software is called SLURM, and regular users of HYAK need to learn how to use SLURM to effectively and efficiently make use of HYAK as a resource for research computing.

Relevant Vocabulary

Account: In the context of using SLURM, "account" refers to the groups you belong to, not your UWnetID. hyakalloc will display accounts you can submit jobs with (i.e., under the SLURM sbatch directive --account).

Checkpoint partition: Abbreviated ckpt, represents idle resources across the cluster at any moment. All cluster users are eligible to submit jobs to this partition and they will run subject to availability. To provide some regular churn in pending checkpoint jobs, jobs running for >4 hours (for HPC jobs) and >8 hours (for GPU jobs) are re-queued (i.e., re-submitted to the checkpoint partition queue). The jobs will continue in this manner until the job exits or the requested runtime is fulfilled. For more information see Using Idle Resources.

Idle Resource: A cluster resource is "idle" when it currently has no running jobs. Requested idle resources are not guaranteed.

Interactive Session: An interactive session on the cluster allows users to access a computing node in real time for tasks that require direct interaction, exploration, or debugging. Request an interactive job with the salloc command.

Node: In HPC, a server is synonymous with a node. 1 server = 1 node so it is OK to use those two terms interchangeably. You can also think of nodes as distinct but network-connected computers.

  • HPC Node: A standard compute node with no additional components and variable amounts of memory at time of procurement.
  • GPU Node: A standard node with GPU cards added in at time of procurement. GPUs are typically used for ML workflows and in rarer cases for applications that have been specifically ported over to GPUs to speed up the runtime.

Partition: A partition is a logical subdivision of the HYAK cluster resources. Specifically, each partition represents a class of node. For example, the partitions on the cluster are compute, ckpt, compute-bigmem, and GPU nodes. hyakalloc will display paritions in addition to ckpt that you can submit jobs with (i.e., under the SLURM sbatch directive --partition).

Queue: A queue is a waiting area for jobs that have been submitted to the cluster but are not yet executing. The scheduler manages the order in which jobs are taken from the queue for execution. The SLURM queue can be monitored with the command squeue and squeue -u UWNetID replacing the word UWNetID with your UE Net ID will show your job that are waiting in the queue or are being executed.

Scheduler: The scheduler is a component or software system responsible for managing and optimizing the allocation of computing resources and tasks within a distributed computing environment. It orchestrates the execution of jobs, tasks, or processes across available resources such as CPUs, memory, and storage.

SLURM: The job scheduler used on HYAK. SLURM stands for Simple Linux Utility (for) Resource Management. See "Scheduler" on this page to learn what a scheduler is. See SLURM documentation for detailed help using the job scheduler.

Accounts and Partitions#

The first stop on understanding job scheduling is to understand that every user is part of an account and certain partitions. Your account is usually related to a user group that you belong to; for example, you may be part of a lab group that has contributed resources to HYAK, affording you priority usage of those resources, which are organized into one or more partitions. Alternatively, you may be a student user who is part of the Research Computing Club, or account stf, meaning that you have priority access on the stf account and partitions. Additionally, all users can use HYAK resources when they are idle by scheduling jobs on the ckpt paritition (Click here to learn about more about ckpt jobs.).

Let's start by checking which accounts and partitions you have access to with the hyakalloc command.


The result will look different for each user. Yours might looks something like this:

Account resources available to user: UWNetID
โ”‚ Account โ”‚ Partition โ”‚ CPUs โ”‚ Memory โ”‚ GPUs โ”‚ โ”‚
โ”‚ account โ”‚ compute โ”‚ 120 โ”‚ 509G โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ TOTAL โ”‚
โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ 0G โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ USED โ”‚
โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ 120 โ”‚ 509G โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ FREE โ”‚
โ”‚ account โ”‚ gpu-rtx6k โ”‚ 10 โ”‚ 81G โ”‚ 2 โ”‚ TOTAL โ”‚
โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ 0G โ”‚ 0 โ”‚ USED โ”‚
โ”‚ โ”‚ โ”‚ 10 โ”‚ 81G โ”‚ 2 โ”‚ FREE โ”‚
Checkpoint Resources
โ”‚ โ”‚ CPUs โ”‚ GPUs โ”‚
โ”‚ Idle: โ”‚ 1138 โ”‚ 242 โ”‚

This exmaple output for a user from the fictional Account called "account" shows access to a compute parition and a gpu-rtx6k parition. The displayed partitions could include compute partitions, larger memory partitions, and GPUs. The table also shows which resources under the account are being used when the hyakalloc command was executed (all resources free at the moment). The bottom table shows how many CPUs and GPUs are idle under the ckpt partition.

Remember you can always return to the hyakalloc results when preparing your command to request a job.

Set Up#

For the following exercises, the working directory will be in scrubbed:

cd /gscratch/scrubbed/

If you have not already, make a directory with your UW NetID with mkdir and go into it:

mkdir UWNetID
cd UWNetID

This will be your working directory for this section. Note that files and directories will be deleted after 14 days if they are not used.

If you are a student in a lab group who contributed resources to HYAK, you have an alternative storage option you may use under:

cd /mmfs1/gscratch/labname

If you are a student part of the Reseach Computing Club, you may use:

cd /mmfs1/gscratch/stf/

Fore more information regarding HYAK storage click HERE.

To start, copy the necessary tutorial materials to your working directory by adding a . after the command. Because we are copying an entire directory, make sure to use -r to recursively copy:

cp -r /sw/hyak101/basics .

Ensure all materials were copied into your working directory:

cd basics
Pro Tip

In the following section, it is often useful to have two terminal windows open. One for editing scipts and one for submitting and monitoring jobs. Open up a new terminal and use ssh to login to Hyak. On this window, monitor jobs using the command:

watch -n 10 squeue -u UWNetID

watch -n 10 will redo the following command ( squeue -u UWNetID ) every 10 seconds.

The state of the job is listed under "ST" in this window. Some of the most common job states are:

PD: Pending job, R: Running job, S: Suspended job, CG: Completing job, and CD: Completed job

Interactive Jobs#

An interactive session on the cluster allows users to access a computing node in real time for tasks that require direct interaction, exploration, or debugging. Request an interactive job with the salloc command. If you have a quick job or you are preparing software to use later, an interactive session is the best choice. Let's start an interactive job on the ckpt partition. We will specify that we want a single CPU with the flag --cpus-per-task=1, 10G of RAM with --mem=10G, and a maximum time of 2 hours with --time=2:00:00. The job will automatically end after 2 hours if we don't end it before 2 hours has elapsed.

salloc --partition=ckpt --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=10G --time=2:00:00

The output will look something like this:

salloc: Pending job allocation 18981043
salloc: job 18981043 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 18981043 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 18981043
salloc: Nodes n3424 are ready for job

Finally, your shell prompt will show that you are no longer on the login node, or look something like this:

[UWNetID@n3424 ~]$

Except that the word UWNetID will be replaced with your Net ID and n3424 will be replaced with the node SLURM assigned to your interactive job. Finally, the ~ will be replaced with the name of your current directory (your location on the filesystem).

Pro tip : Requesting a GPU job

You can also request an interactive session on a GPU. To view information about the current status of nodes in a partition, use the command sinfo. The beginning of the output may look something like this:

compute-bigmem up infinite 1 idle n3255

Some common node states you may see are idle, alloc, and mixed. An idle state indicates that it is ready to accept new jobs. An alloc state indicates that the node is already fully allocated to one or more jobs and cannot accept any more jobs until the allocated job(s) finish. A node is in a mixed state when it has allocated and idle resources.

Use the following command to get a list of the GPUs used in the checkpoint partition along with CPU states and the amount of free memory on a given node:

sinfo -p ckpt -O nodehost,cpusstate,freemem,gres,gresused -S nodehost | grep -v null

The start of the output will look something like this:

g3001 26/14/0/40 365755 gpu:2080ti:8(IDX:0-7)

Now, find an available GPU and request an interactive session on it with the salloc command. Replace the account name, gpus-per-node, memory, and time with the desired parameters:

salloc -A accountname -p ckpt --gpus-per-node=a40:1 --mem=10G --time=1:00:00

Note that after --gpus-per-node, you must input the GPU model and the number of GPUs you want to allocate. After requesting a GPU job, you can check to see if the GPU is active using the nvidia-smi command:


Note that you may need to get started with Apptainer to use this command. For more information on getting started with Apptainer, click HERE.#

The output will be two tables. The first table shows information such as the temperature (degrees Celsius), performance state (ranging from P0-P12, where P0 is the maximum performance state) and how much memory is used for all available GPUs. The second table provides information on all the processes using GPUs.

To continuously update the output every 5 seconds, use the flag --loop = 5:

nvidia-smi --loop=5

Simple Script as a Command Stand-in#

A CPU job and a GPU job will work equivilantly in this section.#

After requesting an interactive job, let's try to run a simple script on the compute node. If you have been following along, you should have in the basics directory.

data locator_NN_dropouts.slurm locator.sif loop_job.slurm
locator_NN_array_slurm locator_NN_job.slurm loop_array.slurm
Syntax Highlighting

Note that locator.sif and are green. This means that the scripts are executable. To change file or directory permissions, use the command chmod:

chmod +x
# just change to any file you want to make executable
# the +x allows executable permissions

Other colors include white for .txt files and blue for directories.

Use the cat or nano command to view this script.

nano will take a starting point and an ending point and count until variable i=ending point. To execute this, use ./ with the desired starting and ending values:

./ 0 1000000

The output should look like this:

Sequence complete! Iterations from 0 to 1000000.

To see how long a job took, use the time command:

time ./ 0 1000000

The output should look something like this:

Sequence complete! Iterations from 0 to 1000000.
real 0m4.216s
user 0m4.071s
sys 0m0.068s
Understanding the time output

The real time is the wall-clock time it takes for a job to finish. In this case, the job completed in 4.216 seconds. The user time refers to the amount of time the CPU spends in user mode within the process and the system time is the amount of time the CPU spends in kernal (or supervisor) mode.

Code running in user mode refers to all code running outside the kernal. It has limited priviledges since hardware and reference memory cannot be directly accessed. Code running in kernal mode has unrestricted access to the hardware and system memory.

To end an interactive job, type exit into the terminal.#

Batch Jobs#

For longer jobs, it can be useful to submit them as scripts rather than running them in an interactive session. This will allow the job to run in the background. In this section, we will be using the loop_job.slurm script in the basics directory to run as a batch job.

nano loop_job.slurm

The first few lines of loop_job.slurm should look like this:

#SBATCH --job-name=loop_job
#SBATCH --partition=ckpt
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --time=5:00
#SBATCH -o log/%x_%j.out

All .slurm jobs you want to submit should start with #!/bin/bash, also known as a shebang. This ensures that the bash shell is used to run the script. The subsequent flags starting with #SBATCH are options for the sbatch command which is used to submit the script. Notice how the flags are reminiscent of the salloc command flags.

The #SBATCH -o log/%x_%j.out flag changes the output file name. The job allocation number will replace the %j and the job name will replace the %x. This flag will also make a directory called log and save the output file there. You can also specifify your desired account using #SBATCH --account=account name. Use hyakalloc to see the available accounts and partitions you have.

The command you wish to execute will be at the end of the script. In this case, we want to run from 0 to 1000000 and see how long it takes:

time ./ 0 1000000

Exit the nano text editor with ctrl+x and submit the job using sbatch:

sbatch loop_job.slurm

If you set up a separate window to monitor your jobs (see the pro tip in the setup section), details about loop_job should appear in this window. The new log directory containing the output file should also be made by now:

cd log

The listed output file name will look something like this:


Examine the contents of the output file to see how long the sequence took:

cat loop_job_19914578.out

All outputs and error messages will appear in this file:

Sequence complete! Iterations from 0 to 1000000.
real 0m5.617s
user 0m5.570s
sys 0m0.016s
Pro tip - multithreading