Interactive and Batch Jobs


This documentation is under construction.

Interactive Jobs#

An interactive session on the cluster allows users to access a computing node in real time for tasks that require direct interaction, exploration, or debugging. Request an interactive job with the salloc command. If you have a quick job or you are preparing software to use later, an interactive session is the best choice. Let's start an interactive job on the ckpt partition. We will specify that we want a single CPU with the flag --cpus-per-task=1, 10G of RAM with --mem=10G, and a maximum time of 2 hours with --time=2:00:00. The job will automatically end after 2 hours if we don't end it before 2 hours has elapsed.

salloc --partition=ckpt --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=10G --time=2:00:00

The output will look something like this:

salloc: Pending job allocation 18981043
salloc: job 18981043 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 18981043 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 18981043
salloc: Nodes n3424 are ready for job

Finally, your shell prompt will show that you are no longer on the login node, or look something like this:

[UWNetID@n3424 ~]$

Except that the word UWNetID will be replaced with your Net ID and n3424 will be replaced with the node SLURM assigned to your interactive job. Finally, the ~ will be replaced with the name of your current directory (your location on the filesystem).

Using Locator in interactive mode#

Now that we have a job open on a compute node, we can work interactively in the container and test out our code. If the container allows it (most do), you can open a shell within the container and access the software that is installed there, run software-specific commands, and test and debug your code before submitting jobs to run in the background. This can also be a recommended method to run a shorter job that doesn't need to be submitted to complete in the background.

Before we do that, we will need a directory where our locator results will be stored. I'm going to call my locator results directory, locator_out.

mkdir locator_out

Copy the container to your current directory if you haven't already.

cp /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/basics/locator.sif .
# The "." is short hand for "here" meaning to make a copy in your current directory.

Next open a shell inside the locator container, locator.sif with the following command.

apptainer shell --cleanenv --bind /gscratch/ locator.sif

Let's break this command down into its parts to understand it:

  • apptainer shell - Apptainer is the container program on Hyak and with shell we are asking apptainer to open a shell within the container.
  • --cleanenv - Containers have their own environment variables that must be set for the software they container to work properly. However, sometimes the environment variables from the host are too similar to those of the container, which can cause conflicts. The --cleanenv flag instructs the container to ignore environment variables from the host.
  • --bind /gscratch/ - The --bind flag mounts a file system to the container. The locator container and many containers do not include your data. Mounting the filesystem /gscratch means that the container can access datafiles that only exist outside of the container.
  • locator.sif - The last part of the full command is to pass the name of the locator container to apptainer.

You will know that you are inside of the container when your shell prompt starts looks like the following:


Let's explore within the container by listing the root directory /

ls /
bin boot dev environment etc gscratch home lib lib64 locator media mmfs1 mnt opt proc root run sbin scr singularity srv sys tmp usr var

Notice that we have all the directories we saw when we listed the root directory of klone, but now we have a directory /locator/, which contains the files associated with the Locator GitHub Repository.

ls /locator/
LICENSE.txt data locator_py out req.txt scripts

Specifically the /locator/scripts/ subdirectory contains a file called, which is the python script used to run locator nueral network.

ls /locator/scripts/
install_R_packages.R plot_locator.R

Additionally, we have a version of python within the container and we can activate python as follows:

Python 3.8.13 (default, Mar 29 2022, 14:56:46)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Use exit() or hold the Ctrl key and press the d key to exit python.

Next, we can run locator with the Populus trichocarpa dataset. Copy the data to your current directory if you haven't already.

cp -r /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/basics/data/ .

First let's take a look at the data.

wc -l data/potr_genotypes.txt
# The genotypes matrix has 425 lines
# one row per individual tree plus a header
head data/potr_genotypes.txt
"BELA.18.1" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 NA 0 1 1 0 0 0
### Truncated for website view
# The genotypes matrix is composed of 0s, 1s, 2s, or NA
# The matrix has over 32,000 columns of genetic data
wc -l data/potr_m_pred1.txt
# The sample data list has 425 lines
# one row per individual tree plus a header
head data/potr_m_pred1.txt
"sampleID" "x" "y"
"BELA.18.3" -126.166667 52.416667
"BLCG.28.1" -125.183333 49.833333
"BULG.11.4" -126.8 54.45
"CEDA.10.4" -128.916667 54.95
"CHKD.19.3" -127.2 51.766667
"CHWH.27.5" NA NA
"CNYH.28.5" -125.066667 49.666667
"DENA.17.4" -126.616667 52.766667
"DENC.17.4" NA NA
# The sample data contains the sample ID
# longitude (x) and latitude (y) coordinates
# each row is the origin of an individual tree

10% of the tree origins in sample data were randomly replaced with NA. These trees will serve as the test set. Locator will train the neural network based on the genotypes of 90% of the trees of known origin, validate the neural network on 10% of the trees of known origin, and then predict the origins of the trees in the test set, providing a set of longitudes and latitudes that can be compared with the true origins of the test set trees.

Let's test the code by running locator on one test set data/potr_m_pred1.txt

python /locator/scripts/ --matrix data/potr_genotypes.txt --sample_data data/potr_m_pred1.txt --out locator_out/potr_predictions1
# Be patient, this operation should take up to 10 minutes.

Let's break this command down into its parts to understand it:

  • python /locator/scripts/ - starts python and executes the python script
  • --matrix data/potr_genotypes.txt - --matrix is the arguement that indicates the provided file data/potr_genotypes.txt is the genotype matrix.
  • --sample_data data/potr_m_pred1.txt - --sample_data is the arguement that indicates the provided file data/potr_m_pred1.txt is the sample data.
  • --out locator_out/potr_predictions1 - --out is the arguement that indicates that results should be saved into the locator_out/ directory and that the files should have the prefix potr_predictions1.

You'll know it is working when it starts providing some messages. The first messages are errors that can be ignored, unless we plan to use a GPU. There will be a few more errors because tensorflow could use a GPU. We won't use a GPU, so we can ignore the errors. The following indicated a successful start of a locator run:

loaded (33070, 424, 2) genotypes
filtering SNPs
running on 32530 genotypes after filtering
### Truncated for website view
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
Epoch 1/5000
11/11 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.3765
Epoch 1: val_loss improved from inf to 0.70498, saving model to locator_out/potr_predictions1_weights.hdf5
11/11 [==============================] - 2s 85ms/step - loss: 1.3765 - val_loss: 0.7050 - lr: 0.0010
Epoch 2/5000
11/11 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.8562
Epoch 2: val_loss improved from 0.70498 to 0.66874, saving model to locator_out/potr_predictions1_weights.hdf5
11/11 [==============================] - 1s 64ms/step - loss: 0.8562 - val_loss: 0.6687 - lr: 0.0010
Epoch 3/5000
11/11 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6853
Epoch 3: val_loss improved from 0.66874 to 0.63751, saving model to locator_out/potr_predictions1_weights.hdf5
predicting locations...
mean validation error 0.23313851423673718
median validation error 0.20346116447588203
run time 4.914605208237966 minutes

Congratulations, you just trained a neural network based on genotypes of Populus trichocarpa trees sampled across and you have predicted origins for a test set of Populus trichocarpa trees based on their DNA alone. Let's look at your results.

ls locator_out/
potr_predictions1_fitplot.pdf potr_predictions1_history.txt potr_predictions1_params.json potr_predictions1_predlocs.txt
head locator_out/potr_predictions1_predlocs.txt

See the Locator publication (Battey et al. 2020) and Locator GitHub Repository for full explanation of the output files.

Batch Jobs#

Next we are going to execute the EXACT same code, but as a batch jobs and with the second test set potr_m_pred2.txt. Batch jobs are ideal for operations that take a longer time to run. These jobs are submitted to the job scheduler SLURM to execute and run in the background until completed.

We made a SLURM batch script for this tutorial. You can use this script as a template for submitting a single job to SLURM and replace the main command with your command/s.

First copy the template to your current directory if you haven't already.

cp /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/basics/locator_NN_* .

If you have been following along, the following script should work without error (except errors that have to do with GPU usage and can be ignored). However, you will want to read the comments in the script carefully to edit the script to fit your needs for a different task.

Use cat to view the script.

cat locator_NN_job.slurm

And use the text editor nano to edit it as needed.

nano locator_NN_job.slurm
# exit nano by holding Ctrl and pressing X; then save it by pushing Y
#SBATCH --job-name=locator_job
#SBATCH --partition=ckpt
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem=50G
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH -o %x_%j.out
#### Truncated for website view
apptainer exec --cleanenv --bind /gscratch locator.sif python /locator/scripts/ --matrix data/potr_genotypes.txt --sample_data data/potr_m_pred2.txt --out locator_out/potr_predictions2
#### Truncated for website view

The lines in the script beginning with #SBATCH are sbatch directives, or flags passed to sbatch which give instructions about the job we are requesting. This script requests a single node, single task job with 10G of RAM for a maximum time of 1 hour. See SLURM sbatch documentation for the full list of options. Remember to use hyakalloc to find which accounts and partitions are available to you. If you have a compute parition, replace --parition=ckpt with --partition=compute and your job will be scheduled faster because you will be requesting a job on resources you can use with priority access.

Once you have edited the script to fit your needs, you can submit it with sbatch.

sbatch locator_NN_job.slurm
# the following is an example result
sbatch: No account specified, defaulting to: account
Submitted batch job 12345678
# SLURM will assign a JobID when the job was submmitted
# it will likely be an 8-digit number, but not 12345678
Pro Tip

Monitor the job with squeue and your UWNetID like the following example:

squeue -u UWNetID
12345678 ckpt locator UWNetID R 3:15 1 n3088

Slurm will save a file called locator_job_12345678.out where the number is replaced with the JobID SLURM assigned to your job. The output that would normally be printed to the screen while locator is running (which we save when we ran locator interactively) will be saved to this file. View this file with cat

cat locator_job_12345678.out

Or follow the messages in real time with the tail command and the flag --follow

tail --follow locator_job_12345678.out
# Use Ctrl + C to exit the tail command

Congratulations, you just trained a neural network based on genotypes of Populus trichocarpa trees sampled across and you have predicted origins for a second test set of Populus trichocarpa trees based on their DNA alone. But this time you did it with a batch up. Let's look at your results.

ls locator_out/
potr_predictions1_fitplot.pdf potr_predictions1_params.json potr_predictions2_fitplot.pdf potr_predictions2_params.json
potr_predictions1_history.txt potr_predictions1_predlocs.txt potr_predictions2_history.txt potr_predictions2_predlocs.txt
head locator_out/potr_predictions2_predlocs.txt

That SLURM job completed completely in the background, meaning that we could have submitted the job, ended our connection to klone by logging out, and returned later to view the progress or results. You can instruct SLURM to send messages about jobs completing by adding the following sbatch directives to your SLURM script and replacing the work UWNetID with your UW Net ID:

#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

In the nest section, we will use a SLURM batch script to submit multiple jobs as an array to be executed in the background in parallel.