Join a Group

To log into any Hyak cluster, you need an account connected to your UWNetID, which uses Two-Factor Authentication. All community members into one of the following categories. Identify your account sponsor to be added to a Hyak group account.

How do you become a group owner?#

Groups are tied to resources, your options are to contribute a resource slice (specific resource configuration) to the Hyak cluster. Once your group is created the group owner can add or remove users by their UWNetIDs and those users will get access to the resources and associated storage.

How does a group owner add or remove a user?#

A group owner, usually the PI or designated staff (e.g., lab manager), should take the following steps:

  1. Log into
  2. Click "My groups" in the top menu bar
  3. Go to u_hyak_mylab where mylab is your groups' name
  4. Click "Membership" just underneath the top menu bar
  5. A field appears to "Add members" by netID. Enter multiple netIDs one per line or separated by commas. NOTE: This is also how you remove members from your group when the time comes (under the "Remove members" field).
  6. Click "Do it"

These netIDs now have access to your resources and lab data on Hyak once they log into the cluster.