On this page we will provide options to interact with your S3 data on KOPAH via Command Line Interfaces (CLIs).


S3cmd is a free command line tool and client for uploading, retrieving and managing data in KOPAH S3. It is best suited for power users who are familiar with command line programs. It is also ideal for batch scripts and if automated backup to S3 is desired.

S3cmd is available for uploading data to KOPAH from your local computer and with usage on klone.

Local S3cmd usage#

To get started with S3cmd, install the software on your local computer. Click here to Download S3cmd from the developer's website.

Create an S3cmd configuration file in your home directory. Call it .s3cfg. There are many ways to create this file.

For example, Mac and Linux users you can use the text editor nano in a Terminal window.#

cd ~
nano .s3cfg
## Use Ctrl + X to exit nano

Windows users could use Wordpad or another text editor application.#

.s3cfg should contain the following details:

host_base = s3.kopah.orci.washington.edu
host_bucket = s3.kopah.orci.washington.edu/%(bucket)
use_https = True
# Login credentials
access_key = <ACCESS_KEY>
secret_key = <SECRET_KEY>

Where the word <ACCESS_KEY> is replaced with your KOPAH Access Key and the word <SECRET_KEY> is replaced with your KOPAH Secret Key.

After that is complete. S3cmd can be used to access your KOPAH S3 storage data with a large suite of commands. The S3cmd help includes example commands for a variety of tasks.

s3cmd --help

The following are a small collection of the many commands available with S3cmd.

s3cmd mb s3://BUCKETmake bucket
s3cmd ls [s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]]List objects or buckets
s3cmd laList all object in all buckets
s3cmd put FILE [FILE...] s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]Put a file into the bucket
s3cmd put --acl-public FILE [FILE...] s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX]Put a file into a bucket and make it public
s3cmd get s3://BUCKET/OBJECT LOCAL_FILEGet a file from the bucket

S3cmd usage on klone#

S3cmd is installed for all klone users. Users need only set up their S3cmd configuration file in their home directory as shown above.

cd ~
nano .s3cfg
## Use Ctrl + X to exit nano

Prepare your .s3cfg file as shown above.