DMTCP (Checkpointing)


DMTCP is still being tested on Hyak. The module name may change after testing. Please report any issues to with "Hyak" in the subject.

DMTCP is a tool to transparently checkpoint and restart jobs, saving it to disk to be resumed at a later time. It requires no changes to application code, allowing easy use. Using checkpointing allows for shorter job times using requeing and better use of ckpt resources, allowing higher throughput for your jobs. More extensive documentation can be found here or via relevant man pages.


DMTCP currently does not support the following:

  • Jobs using GPUs
  • Jobs using Apptainer without built-in checkpointing enabled
  • Jobs using MPI. We hope to provide support through MANA in the future.

DMTCP Usage#

We provide some opinionated examples of DMTCP usage on Hyak here, for more information see more general documentation here or the man pages.

To use DMTCP on Hyak, first load the module using module load testing/dmtcp/3.0.0.

Set the directory checkpoints will be stored at with the environment variable: DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR. For example:

export DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR=/gscratch/scrubbed/mycheckpoints/

To start a job, use the dmtcp_launch command, e.g.:

dmtcp_launch --interval <NUM> <COMMANDS TO RUN>

Where <NUM> is the number of seconds between checkpoints and <COMMANDS TO RUN> is your application (e.g. python3 The application will be checkpointed in the DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR directory every <NUM> seconds.

To restart a stopped job, use the dmtcp_restart command, e.g.:

dmtcp_restart --interval <NUM> $DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR/*.dmtcp

This will reload a job from a saved checkpoint. The restarted job will also be checkpointed every <NUM> seconds.

DMTCP can also be used in a batch script which automatically resumes from a prior checkpoint if it exists. A brief outline is as follows:

#SBATCH -p ckpt-all
# More SBATCH directives ...
# setup script for checkpointing
checkpoint_interval=300 # number of seconds between checkpoints
module load testing/dmtcp/3.0.0
export DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR=/gscratch/scrubbed/mycheckpoints/
export DMTCP_DL_PLUGIN=0 # silences some errors
# check if checkpoint directory exists
if [ -d "$DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR" ]; then
# directory exists, restart from a checkpoint
dmtcp_restart --interval $checkpoint_interval $DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR/*.dmtcp
# directory doesn't exist, create it and start the job
# replace with your research program!
dmtcp_launch --interval $checkpoint_interval python3

This batch script runs the application python3 and checkpoints it every five minutes. It makes the assumption that DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR doesn't exist prior to the job starting.

Jobs utilizing checkpointing can be requeued (either with the --requeue Slurm flag or ckpt partition automatically requeuing). This allows for better usage of the ckpt partition and shorter request times, both of which get your jobs done quicker!


This documentation is inspired by Clemson's DMTCP documentation and NERSC's DMTCP documentation.