Goals & Rationale#
Our first goal is to provide a tutorial that give brand new Hyak users some fundamental skills they will need to navigate the Hyak file system and Linux command-line interface (CLI).Much of the Hyak documentation is organized into bite sized instructional guides for particular software tools or concepts, but these may be too advanced for users who are brand new to High Performance Computing (HPC) and Linux CLI. Here we have prepared a walk-through tutorial of programs (which we will refer to as commands) that you may find helpful before moving forward with your resaerch computing project. Ultimately, we want you to feel comfortable working independently on Hyak.
Learning Objectives:- Introduce the command line interface (CLI) as a way to interact with a computer.
- Understand the difference between the command line interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI).
- Become familiar navigating a file system using Linux commands like pwd, cd, and ls.
- Understand the disk storage limitations of my Home directory and the storage policies of Hyak.
- Become familiar copying and renaming files on Hyak.
- Master commands that allow for file exploration, such as cat, head, tail, wc, and grep.
- Test out two methods for copying files to and from Hyak.
Video tutorial available
On August 7, 2024, we delivered this tutorial live on Zoom. Follow this link to watch the live demonstration.
Course ContentTutorial: Hyak Basics
Extra PracticeWe have curated a list of Additional Resources and you will find many are relevant for this tutorial.
Some of the data and exercises for this tutorial were sampled from The Unix Shell by Software Carpentry, but have been tailored to fit most Hyak users. Sampled materials are under the Copyright of Software Carpentry and are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0).