Basic Linux Commands II

In this section, we will review more commands to get you comfortable do basic things on HYAK. This section has sampled some of the data and exercises for this tutorial were sampled from The Unix Shell by Software Carpentry, but have been tailored to fit most HYAK users. Sampled materials are under the Copyright of Software Carpentry and are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0).

head, tail, more, less#

Other ways to view file contents, great for viewing smaller chunks of longer files.

head basilisk.dat # displays the first part of a file
tail basilisk.dat # displays the last part of a file
more basilisk.dat # displays file contents one page at a time
# exit the more command with Q
less basilisk.dat # displays file contents one page at a time
# exit the less command with Q

By default, the head and tail commands display the first and last 10 lines of a file. To view a specific number of lines use -n followed by the desired number of lines.

head -n 20 basilisk.dat


"copy" files with cp#

Move to top of working directory.

cd /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID

Copy animals.csv to your current directory using the shorthand . to mean "here"

cp /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/basics/data/animals.csv .

Copy a directory with all its contents using recursive copy

cp -r /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/basics/data/ .


"move" file to a new name (rename) with mv#

mv animals.csv dataset.csv


"remove" a file with rm#


rm permanently deletes a file. This action is irreversible.

rm dataset.csv

Remove a directory with recursive rm.

cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing/
rm -r thesis


Create an empty file with touch#

cd ../../../
# prints gscratch/scrubbed/UWNETID
touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
ls # make sure the .txt files were created

touch is also useful for updating the timestamp of a file#

ls -l file1.txt # -l will list the current timestamp of a file
touch file1.txt # touch will update the timestamp

? and []#

Wildcards are special characters used as a shorthand#

# ? represents any singular character
ls file?.txt
# lists all file.txt files with a singular character where ? is
ls file[2-3].txt
# lists all file2.txt and file3.txt
rm file[1-3].txt


cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes
ls *.pdb # lists all files ending with .pdb
ls /sw/hyak101/basics/*.slurm
ls /sw/hyak101/basics/locator*
ls /sw/hyak101/basics/locator_NN*


apply "word count" with wc#

cd alkanes
wc cubane.pdb
wc --help
wc *.pdb

wc -l counts lines#

wc -l *.pdb


"redirect" output to a file with >#

wc -l *.pdb > lengths.txt
ls lengths.txt
cat lengths.txt

If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.


"append" output to a file with >>#

First, change to the animal-counts/ directory and print the contents with the cat command

cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/animal-counts/
cat animals.csv

The espected output is as follows:


Using wc -l to count the lines of the above output

wc -l animals.csv
8 animals.csv

To create a subset of animals.csv, we can combine head, tail, >, and >> commands.

head -n 3 animals.csv > animals-subset.csv
cat animals-subset.csv

animals-subset.csv should now contain the first 3 lines of animals.csv:


Because we do not want to override animals-subset.csv file contents, use >> to append rather than >:

tail -n 2 animals.csv >> animals-subset.csv
cat animals-subset.csv

Now, the subset reads as follows:


Counting the lines once more:

wc -l animals-subset.csv

Expected output:

5 animals-subset.csv


"sort" numbers with sort#

cd ../
# You should now be in the exercise-data directory
# /gscratch/scrubbed/NETID/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data
cat numbers.txt

The expected output:


The sort command by itself will sort a text file's contents in ascending order:

sort numbers.txt

Notice how the output is sorted in lexicographical order:


To sort the numbers based on their numerical value, use the -n option

sort -n numbers.txt

Now, the file contents will be interpreted as numbers rather than strings and numbers.txt will be sorted in ascending numerical order:


The sort command will sort lines alphabetically or numerically. Lines with numbers and letters are sorted as follows:

  1. Numbers
  2. Capital letters
  3. Lowercase letters

Other sorting options include -r which sorts lines in reverse order and -u which removes duplicate lines.

Going back to the alkanes directory

cd alkanes
cat lengths.txt
sort -n lengths.txt

Expected output:

9 methane.pdb
12 ethane.pdb
15 propane.pdb
20 cubane.pdb
21 pentane.pdb
30 octane.pdb
107 total

Create a sorted list of the alkane lengths and check the first output line:

sort -n lengths.txt > sorted-lengths.txt
head -n 1 sorted-lengths.txt
9 methane.pdb

Empty file resulting from >. The following code will cause the contents of lengths.txt to be deleted:

sort -n lengths.txt > lengths.txt
cat lengths.txt

Notice how lengths.txt is now an empty file. To get lengths.txt back, backtrack to the original command:

wc -l *.pdb > lengths.txt


Use a "pipe" to string commands together#

Alternatively, the alkane lengths can sorted by using one line of code:

wc -l *.pdb | sort -n
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n > sorted_lengths_v2.txt
cat sorted_lengths_v2.txt

The output should be the same at sorted-lengths.txt:

9 methane.pdb
12 ethane.pdb
15 propane.pdb
20 cubane.pdb
21 pentane.pdb
30 octane.pdb
107 total


Search for a PATTERN in a FILE with grep#

grep finds and prints lines in files that match a pattern

cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing
cat haiku.txt
grep not haiku.txt

Only the lines containing "not" will print out. Now try the follwing grep command:

grep The haiku.txt
The Tao that is seen
"My Thesis" not found.

Notice how longer words containing "The" are also printed out. Use the -w option to ensure that grep is only matching whole words:

grep -w The haiku.txt
The Tao that is seen

grep also works with multiple words at a time:

grep -w "is not" haiku.txt
Today it is not working

Other options include -n which displays line numbers and -r which recursivly searches for patterns:

grep -n "it" haiku.txt
5: With searching comes loss
9: Yesterday it worked
10: Today it is not working

Combining options -n and -w:

grep -n -w "the" haiku.txt
2: Is not the true Tao, until
6: and the presence of absence:

The -r (recursive) option:

grep -r Yesterday .

This searches for the word Yesterday in your current directory (writing).


View your history of commands with history#


Use history, |, and grep together to find all times the cat command was used.

history |grep cat


"find" files or files matching a pattern with file#

cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/
find . -name numbers.txt

This will print out the location of numbers.txt :


Use * to find all .txt files starting in your current ditectory :

find . -name "*.txt"

Use grep and find togther to search for files with specific words or phrases:

grep "searching" $(find . -name "*.txt")

The output shows the file location and the lines with the word "searching" :

./writing/haiku.txt: With searching comes loss
./writing/LittleWomen.txt: sitting on the top step, affected to be searching...


Transfer your data to klone with "server copy" or scp#

From your local computer#

Find a file you would like to transfer. Let's say it is called text.txt. Use the following to transfer text.txt from your local computer to klone. We will transfer it to our working directory in gscratch/scrubbed

scp text.txt

Transfer data from klone to your local computer with "server copy" or scp#

To your local computer#

scp .


Similarly, data can be transferred using the rysnc command

# From Klone to your local computer
rysnc .
# use -a to preserve original file permissions, timestamp, etc
rysnc -a .

rsync and scp can be paired with other options such as -v (verbose) which provides a detailed output of the transfer process or -z ( -c for scp ) to compress data during transfers.

important concept: scp vs rsync

rsync is generally used for larger file transfers and file synchronization. Unlike scp which always transfers the entire file, rsync will only transfer the parts of the file that changed. rsync can also resume aborted transfers from lost internet connections. scp works well for quick file transfers that do not require the additional features rsync provides.

Well done!#

You made it through the tutorial! If you have any questions about the content covered here or feedback to pass along about this tutorial, please open a ticket by emailing with "Hyak" in the subject line.