July 2024 Maintenance Details

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community,

Thanks again for your patience with our monthly scheduled maintenance. During this maintenance session, we were able to provide package updates to node images to ensure compliance with the latest operating system level security fixes and performance optimizations.

The next maintenance will be Tuesday August 13, 2024.

Questions? If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak in the subject line.

June 2024 Maintenance Details

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community,

Thanks again for your patience with our monthly scheduled maintenance. This month, we deployed new node resources that were purchased by various UW Researchers from across campus. These nodes are a little different, so we wanted to bring your attention to them and provide guidance on their use when they are idle with the checkpoint partition.

New G2 Nodes#

A new class of nodes have been deployed on klone which we are calling g2 because they are the second generation of nodes, and we will retroactively refer to the first generation nodes as g1. g2 CPU nodes feature AMD EPYC 9000-series 'Genoa' processors, and new GPU nodes featuring either NVIDIA L40 or L40S GPUs (with H100 GPUs possibly becoming available in the future). These nodes will join our community resources that can be used when idle (ckpt) under the new partitions:

  • ckpt-g2 for scheduling jobs on g2 nodes only.

  • ckpt-all for scheduling jobs on either g1 or g2 nodes.

  • ckpt will now schedule jobs on g1 nodes only.

    Please review our documentation HERE for specific instructions for accessing these resources. Additionally, please see the blog post HERE where we discuss additional considerations for their usage.

To accompany the new g2 node deployments, we are providing a new Open MPI module (ompi/4.1.6-2), which is now the default module when module load ompi is executed. Previous OpenMPI modules will cause errors if used with the AMD processors on the new g2 nodes due to how the software was compiled. ompi/4.1.6-2 (and any openmpi module versions we provide in the future) are compiled to support both Intel and AMD processors. If your MPI jobs are submitted to a partition that includes g2 nodes, you should use module load ompi to use the new module by default, or explicitly load ompi/4.1.6-2 (or a newer version in the future) via module load ompi/4.1.6-2.

If you have compiled software on g1 nodes, you should test them on g2 nodes before bulk submitting jobs to partitions with g2 nodes (i.e., ckpt-g2 and ckpt-all), as they may or may not function properly depending on exactly how they were compiled.

Student Opportunities#

In addition, we have two student opportunities to bring to your attention.

Job Opportunity: The Research Computing (RC) team at the University of Washington (UW) is looking for a student intern to spearhead projects that could involve: (1) the development of new tools and software, (2) research computing documentation and user tutorials, or (3) improvements to public-facing service catalog descriptions and service requests. HYAK is an ecosystem of high-performance computing (HPC) resources and supporting infrastructure available to UW researchers, students, and associated members of the UW community. Our team administers and maintains HYAK as well as provides support to HYAK users. Our intern will be given the choice of projects that fit their interest and experience while filling a need for the UW RC community. This role will provide students with valuable hands-on experiences that enhance academic and professional growth.

The position pays $19.97-21.50 per hour depending on experience with a maximum of 20 hours per week (Fall, Winter, and Spring) and a maximum of 40 hours allowed during summer quarter. How to apply: Please apply by emailing: 1) a current resume and 2) a cover letter detailing your qualifications, experience, and interest in the position to me, Kristen Finch (UWNetID: finchkn). Due to the volume of applications, we regret that we are unable to respond to every applicant or provide feedback.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Student interns must hold at least a 2nd year standing if an undergraduate student.
  • Student interns must be able to access the internet.
  • Student interns must be able to demonstrate an ability to work independently on their selected project/s and expect to handle challenges by consulting software manuals and publicly available resources.

We encourage applicants that:

  • meet the minimum qualifications.
  • have an interest in website accessibility and curation.
  • have experience in research computing and HYAK specifically. This could include experience in any of the following: 1) command-line interface in a Linux environment, 2) SLURM job scheduler, 3) python, 4) shell scripting.
  • have an interest in computing systems administration.
  • have an interest in developing accessible computing-focused tutorials for the HYAK user community.

Conference Opportunity: The 2024 NSF Cybersecurity Summit program committee is now accepting applications to the Student Program. This year’s summit will be held October 7th-10th at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Both undergraduate and graduate students may apply. No specific major or course of study is required, as long as the student is interested in learning and applying cybersecurity innovations to scientific endeavors. Selected applicants will receive invitations from the Program Committee to attend the Summit in-person. Attendance includes your participation in a poster session. The deadline for applications is Friday June 28th at 12 am CDT, with notification of acceptance to be sent by Monday July 29th. Click Here to Apply

Our next scheduled maintenance will be Tuesday July, 9, 2024.

Questions? If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak in the subject line. Student intern applications sent to help@uw.edu will not be considered. Email applications to finchkn at uw.edu

G1 vs G2 Nodes

Nam Pho

Nam Pho

Director for Research Computing

Hello HYAK community, you may have noticed we've been relatively quiet infrastructure-wise over the past few months. Part of this has been due to data center constraints that have limited our ability to grow the cluster, which have since been addressed (for now) in April 2024. The good news is that we expect to begin ramping up deliveries of previously purchased slices over the coming weeks and months and, as a result, expanding the overall size of the cluster and checkpoint partitions.

G1 vs G2#

Large clusters are preferably homogenous to help with resource scheduling as any part of the cluster should be interchangeable with another. However, this is typical for fully built systems at the time of launch and not gradual build outs of condo-like systems such as HYAK. The primary driver behind this change from g1 (generation 1) to g2 are the rapid advances in technology providing a performance gain that make it untenable to maintain an older processor for the sake of homogeneity.

Intel vs AMD and Nodes vs Slices#

The first half of KLONE from its initial launch until June 11, 2024 when the first g2 nodes were introduced was a fully Intel-based cluster. Specifically, all g1 nodes are based on the Intel XEON 6230 Gold or "Cascade Lake" generation CPUs. The g2 nodes are based on the AMD EPYC 9000 series or "Genoa" generation CPUs.

Nodes refer to a physical unit we procure and install, such as a server. You don't need to worry about this. Slices are what researchers actually buy and contribute to the cluster in their "condo". Click here to learn more about HYAK's condo model.. A slice is a resource limit for your HYAK group backed by a commensurate contribution to the cluster. Sometimes (as in the g1 era) 1 node was 1 slice. However, in the g2 era, 1 node can consist of up to 6 slices to maintain a consistent price point for performance across generations and to provide flexibility to the HYAK team to select more cost-effective configurations.

CPU and Architecture Optimizations#

On a core-per-core basis, a g2 CPU core are faster than a g1 CPU core. If you are using an existing module that was compiled under a g1 (or Intel) slice there's a strong chance it will continue to work on a g2 (or AMD) slice. Intel and AMD are both x86 based CPUs and use an overlapping instruction set. Unless you compile code that is highly optimized for Intel or AMD, your code should run cross-platform. In our spot check of a few current modules (many contributed by our users) there seems to be no issues running existing Intel compiled code on the newer g2 slices. However, if you choose to recompile your code on a g2 (or retroactively for a g1) slice, you may see a performance improvement on that specific architecture at the expense of generalizibility and limiting your resource availability.

Storage and Memory#

There are no special considerations for taking advantage of the local node SSDs on either node type. This is accessible as /src across both g1 and g2 nodes and you can copy your data to and from there during a job. Note that the /src directory is wiped on job exit and not persistent beyond the life of your job.

There are no special considerations for taking advantage of the faster memory on the g2 nodes.

Ada and Hopper GPUs#

There are no special considerations for any pre-Ada (i.e., L40(S)) or pre-Hopper (i.e., H100) GPU code. All NVIDIA-based GPU codes are fully compatible across generations. As these are a newer GPU generation, there are performance improvements by using them alone. However, they are attached to the newer g2 architecture so benefit from the supporting case of improved CPU and memory performance of the surrounding system. If your support (i.e., non-GPU) code relies on any architecture optimizations, see the caveats above.

Resource Requests#

If you purchased any of these slices and contributed them to the cluster you will have received the specific partition names to use once they are deployed.

If you are interested in using these new resources when they are idle via the checkpoint partition there are now new considerations. You can read about it here. The new checkpoint partitions are:

  • ckpt-all if you want access to the entire cluster across g1 and g2 resources (and every possible GPU). One possible concern if you run a multi-node job that spans g1 and g2 nodes, is that you will probably see a performance hit. Multi-node jobs often rely on gather operations and will be as slow as the slowest worker, so your g2 nodes will be held back waiting for computation done on the slower g1 nodes to complete.
  • ckpt if you want to optimize for Intel specific processors (or only want to use the older GPUs). This is the status quo and you shouldn't need to change your job scripts if you don't want to use the newer resources.
  • ckpt-g2 if you want to optimize for AMD specific processors (or use only the newer GPUs).

As always, if you have any questions please reach us at help@uw.edu.

May 2024 Maintenance Details

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community,

Thanks again for your patience with our monthly scheduled maintenance, there are some notable improvements we implemented today.

KLONE node image: Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed some KLONE instability. This was a result of some behind the scenes storage upgrades that inadvertently introduced wider impacts to the existing cluster automation. At the time, we introduced a temporary fix to get the cluster back online but with today’s maintenance we implemented a more comprehensive fix.

Infiniband firmware: The KLONE cluster is built on the infiniband HPC interconnect for node-to-node communication. While KLONE originally launched with the HDR generation of infiniband, we have since upgraded mid-KLONE to have a HDR-NDR hybrid interconnect. NDR infiniband is required to support the latest compute slices we offer. We updated the firmware on our NDR switches following vendor recommendations for increased stability.

Apptainer on MOX: Apptainer (formerly Singularity) is the root-less containerization solution we provide on both HYAK clusters. Apptainer version 1.3.1 was deployed on both KLONE and MOX. As a reminder, on KLONE Apptainer is accessed through a module and is only available on compute nodes after module load apptainer. On MOX, Apptainer is default software and can be accessed with Apptainer commands directly after starting an interactive job for example, apptainer --version.

Training Opportunities: COMPLECS (San Diego Supercomputer) is hosting an Intermediate Linux Shell Scripting online workshop on Thursday May, 16 at 11:00 am Pacific Time. Register here.

Our next scheduled maintenance will be Tuesday June, 11, 2024. Stay informed by joining our mailing list. Sign up here.

Questions? If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak in the subject line.

April 2024 Maintenance Details

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community,

Thank you for your patience this month while there was more scheduled downtime than usual to allow for electrical reconfiguration work in the UW Tower data center. We appreciate how disruptive this work has been in recent weeks. Please keep in mind that this work by the data center team has been critical in allowing the facility to increase available power to the cluster to provide future growth capacity, which was limiting deployment of new equipment in recent months.

The HYAK team was able to use the interruption to implement the following changes:

  • Increase in checkpoint (--partition=ckpt) runtime for GPU jobs from 4-5 hours to 8-9 hours (pre-emption for requeuing will still occur subject to cluster utilization). Please see the updated documentation page for information about using idle resources.
  • The NVIDIA driver has been updated for all GPUs.

Our next scheduled maintenance will be Tuesday May 14, 2024.

Training Opportunities#

Follow NSF ACCESS Training and Events posting HERE to find online webinars about containers, parallel computing, using GPUs, and more from HPC providers around the USA.

Questions? If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak in the subject line.

AI Research Needs Survey

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community,

The Research Working Group of the UW AI Task Force would like faculty and research staff input on the needs and challenges of using AI in research at UW across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Please help by responding to a short survey at: https://forms.gle/mZrV3aCgJYNNBV6j8. Responses by April 25 would be most helpful, but the survey will remain open until April 30.

Thank you in advance for your time,


Disk Storage Management with Conda

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Users,

It has come to our attention that the default configuration of Miniconda and conda environments in the user's home directory leads to hitting storage limitations and the dreaded error Disk quota exceeded. We thought we would take some time to guide users in configuring their conda environment directories and package caches to avoid this error and proceed with their research computing.

warning post under contruction

We have been made aware that the solutions for disk storage presented here result in additional problems with conda environments, specifically with hardlinks to the install directory for Miniconda3 when envs_dirs and pkgs_dirs are configured to a different storage location. Please see this Issue for detailed information. we hope to have a better solution soon.

Conda's config#

Software is usually accompanied by a configuration file (aka "config file") or a text file used to store configuration data for software applications. It typically contains parameters and settings that dictate how the software behaves and interacts it's environment. Familiarity with config files allows for efficient troubleshooting, optimization, and adaptation of software to specific environments, like HYAK's shared HPC environment, enhancing overall usability and performance. Conda's config file .condarc, is customizable and lets you determine where packages and environments are stored by conda.

Understanding your Conda#

First let's take a look at your conda settings. The conda info command provides information about the current conda installation and its configuration.


The following assumes you have already installed Miniconda in your home directory or elsewhere such that conda is in your $PATH. Install Miniconda instructions here.

$ conda info
active environment : None
shell level : 0
user config file : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.condarc
populated config files : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.condarc
conda version : 4.14.0
conda-build version : not installed
python version : 3.9.5.final.0
virtual packages : __linux=4.18.0=0
base environment : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/miniconda3 (writable)
conda av data dir : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/miniconda3/etc/conda
conda av metadata url : None
channel URLs : https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-64
. . .
package cache : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/conda_pkgs
envs directories : /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/miniconda3/envs
platform : linux-64
user-agent : conda/4.14.0 requests/2.26.0 CPython/3.9.5 Linux/4.18.0-513.18.1.el8_9.x86_64 rocky/8.9 glibc/2.28
UID:GID : 1209843:226269
netrc file : None
offline mode : False

The paths shown above will show your username in place of UWNetID. Notice the highlighted lines above showing the absolute path to your config file in your home directory (e.g., /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.condarc), the directory designated for your package cache (e.g., /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/conda_pkgs), and the directory/ies designated for your environments (e.g., /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/miniconda3/envs). Conda designates directories for your package cache and your environments by default, but under HYAK, your home directory has a 10G storage limit, which can quickly be maxed out by package tarballs and their contents. We can change the location for your package cache and your environments to avoid this.


when you ls your home directory ls /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/ you might not see .condarc listed. It is there! To list all hidden files (files beginning with .) use ls -a /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.

Configuring your package cache and envs directories#

Edit the highlighted lines in .condarc to designate directories with higher storage quotas for our envs_dirs and pkgs_dirs. Use a hyak preloaded editor like nano or vim to edit .condarc in place. More about nano. More about vim. Your .condarc will look like this:

$ nano ~/.condarc
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
auto_activate_base: true
- /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/miniconda3/envs
- /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/conda_pkgs

In this exercise, we will assign our envs_dirs and pkgs_dirs directories to directories in /gscratch/scrubbed/ where we have more storage, although remember scrubbed storage is temporary. Alternatively, your lab/research group might have another directory in /gscratch/ that can be used.


Remember to replace the word UWNetID in the paths below with YOUR username/UWNetID.

Here is what your edited .condarc should look like.

$ cat /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.condarc
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
auto_activate_base: true
- /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID/envs
- /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID/conda_pkgs

If you don't have a directory under your UWNetID in /gscratch/scrubbed/or whereever you intend to designate these directories you will need to create them now for this to work. Use the mkdir command, for example mkdir /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID and replace UWNetID with your username. Then create directories for your package cache and envs directory, for example, mkdir /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID/conda_pkgs and mkdir /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID/envs.

After .condarc is edited, we can use conda info to see if our changes have been incorporated.

$ conda info |grep cache
$ conda info |grep envs

Cleaning up disk storage#

After you have reset the package cache and environment directories with your conda config file, you can delete the previous directories to free up storage. Before doing that, you can monitor how much storage was being occupied by each item in your home directory with the command du -h --max-depth=1. Remove directories previously used as cache and envs_dir recursively with rm -r. The following is an example of monitoring storage and removing directories.


rm -r is permanent. We cannot your recover directory. You were warned.

$ du -h --max-depth=1 /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/
6.7G ./miniconda3/envs
4.0G ./conda_pkgs
. . .
$ rm -r /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/envs
$ du -h --max-depth=1 /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/
2.6G ./miniconda3/
4.0G ./conda_pkgs
. . .

The hyakstorage command is not simultaneously updated. Although you have cleaned up your home directory, hyakstorage might not yet show new storages estimates. du -sh will give you the most up to date information.

Storage can also be managed by cleaning up package cache periodically. Get rid of the large-storage tar archives after your conda packages have been installed with conda clean --all.

Lastly, regular maintenance of conda environments is crucial for keeping disk usage in check. Review you list of conda environments with conda env list and remove unused environments using the conda remove --name ENV_NAME --all command. Consider creating lightweight environments by installing only necessary packages to conserve disk space. For example, create an environment for each project (project1_env) rather than an environment for all projects combined (myenv).

Disk quota STILL exceeded#

Be aware that many software packages are configured similarly to conda. Explore the documentation of your software to locate the configuration file and anticipate where storage limitations might become an issue. In some cases, you may need to edit or create a config file for the software to use. pip and R are two other common offenders ballooning the disk storage in your home directory.

Configuring PIP#

If you are installing with pip, you might have a pip cache in ~/.cache/pip. Let's locate your the pip config file location under variant "global." You might have to activate a previously built conda environment to do this. For this exercise we will use an environment called project1_env.

$ conda activate project1_env
(project1_env) $ pip config list -v
. . .
For variant 'user', will try loading '/mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.pip/pip.conf'
. . .

The message "will try loading" rather than listing the config file pip.conf means that a pip config file has not been created. We will create our config file and set our pip cache. Create a directory in your home directory (e.g.,/mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.pip) to hold your pip config file and create a file called pip.conf with the touch command. Remember to also create the new directory for your new pip cache if you haven't yet.

$ mkdir /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.pip/
$ touch /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.pip/pip.conf
$ mkdir /gscratch/scrubbed/UWNetID/pip_cache

Open pip.conf with nano or vim and add the following lines to designate the location of your pip cache.


Check that your pip cache has been designated.

(project1_env) $ pip config list
(project1_env) $ pip cache dir

Configuring R#

We previously covered this in our documentation. Edit or create a config file called .Renviron in your home directory. Use nano or vim to designate the location of your R package libraries. The contents of the file should be something like the following example.

$ cat ~/.Renviron

The directory designated by R_LIBS will be where R installs your package libraries.

I'm still stuck#

Please reach out to us by emailing help@uw.edu with "hyak" in the subject line to open a help ticket.

March 2024 Maintenance Details

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Users,

For our March maintenance we had some notable changes we wanted to share with the community.

Login Node#

Over the last several months the login node has been crashing on occasion. We have been monitoring and dissecting the kernel dumps from each crash and this behavior seems to be highly correlated with VS Code Remote-SSH extension activity. To prevent node instability, we have upgraded the storage drivers to the latest version. If you are a VS Code user and connect to klone via Remote-SSH, we have some recommendations to help limit the possibility that your work would cause system instability on the login node.

Responsible Usage of VS Code Extension Remote-SSH#

While developing your code with connectivity to the server is a great usage of our services, connecting directly to the login node via the Remote-SSH extension will result in VS Code server processes running silently in the background and leading to node instability. As a reminder, we prohibit users running processes on the login node.

New Documentation

The steps discussed here for responsible use of VS Code have been added to our documentation. Please review the solutions for connecting VS Code to HYAK.

  1. Check which processes are running on the login node, especially if you have been receiving klone usage violations when you are not aware of jobs running. Look for vscode-server among the listed processes.

    $ ps aux | grep UWNetID
  2. If you need to develop your code with connectivity to VS Code, use a ProxyJump to open a connection directly to a compute node. Step 1 documentation. and then use the Remote-SSH extension to connect to that node through VS Code on your local machine, preserving the login node for the rest of the community. Step 2 documentation.

  3. Lastly, VS Code’s high usage is due to it silently installing its built in features into the user's home directory ~/.vscode on klone enabling intelligent autocomplete features. This is a well known issue, and there is a solution that involves disabling the @builtin TypeScript plugin from the VS Code on your local machine. Here is a link to a blog post about the issue and the super-easy solution. Disabling @builtin TypeScript will reduce your usage of the shared resources and avoid problems.

In addition to the upgrade of the storage driver, we performed updates to security packages.

Training Opportunities#

We wanted to make you aware of two training opportunities with the San Diego Supercomputer Center. If you are interested in picking up some additional skills and experience in HPC, check this blog post.


If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak in the subject line.

Upcoming HPC Training Opportunities

Kristen Finch

Kristen Finch

HPC Staff Scientist

Hello HYAK Community!

We wanted to make you aware of two training opportunities with the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). If you are interested in picking up some additional skills and experience in HPC, please check them out.

  • SDSC Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Summer Institute: The project is focused on teaching researchers and students the best practices for effectively running machine learning (ML) and data science applications on advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) and high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Applications due 12 April 2024. https://www.sdsc.edu/education_and_training/ciml_summer_institute.html

  • SDSC HPC and Data Science Summer Institute: The program is aimed at researchers in academia and industry, especially in domains not traditionally engaged in supercomputing, who have problems that cannot typically be solved using local computing resources. Applications due 26 April 2024. https://www.sdsc.edu/education_and_training/summer_institute.html

  • SDSC Virtual Workshop; COMPLECS: Batch Computing: Getting Started with Batch Job Scheduling - Slurm Edition: Learn how to use Slurm, Hyak's batch job scheduler. In "our series on Batch Computing, we will introduce you to the concept of a distributed batch job scheduler — what they are, why they exist, and how they work — using the Slurm Workload Manager as our reference implementation and testbed. You will then learn how to write your first job script and submit it to an HPC System running Slurm as its scheduler. We will also discuss the best practices for how to structure your batch job scripts, teach you how to leverage Slurm environment variables, and provide tips on how to request resources from the scheduler to get your work done faster." Event held virtually on Thursday, March 21, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PDT Link to Registration

Keep an eye on our blog for more opportunities and HYAK updates.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu and we sure to mention Hyak in the subject line. Thanks!

February 2024 Maintenance Details

Nam Pho

Nam Pho

Director for Research Computing

Hello HYAK community! We have a few notable announcements regarding this month’s maintenance. If the hyak-users mailing list e-mail didn’t fully satisfy your curiosity, hopefully this expanded version will answer any lingering questions.


  • Software: The GPU driver was upgraded to the latest stable version (545.29.06). The latest CUDA 12.3.2 is also now provided as a module. You are also encouraged to explore the use of container (i.e., Apptainer) based workflows, which bundle various versions of CUDA with your software of interest (e.g., PyTorch) over at NGC. NOTE: Be sure to pass the --nv flag to Apptainer when working with GPUs.

  • Hardware: The HYAK team has also begun the early deployments of our first Genoa-Ada GPU nodes. These are cutting-edge NVIDIA L40-based GPUs (code named “Ada”) running on the latest AMD processors (code named “Genoa”) with 64 GPUs released to their groups two weeks ago and an additional 16 GPUs to be released later this week. These new resources are not currently part of the checkpoint partition but we will be releasing guidance on making use of idle resources here over the coming weeks directly to the HYAK user documentation as we receive feedback from these initial researchers.


  • Performance Upgrade: In recent weeks, AI/ML workloads have been increasingly stressing the primary storage on KLONE (i.e., "gscratch"). Part of this was attributed to the run up to the International Conference for Machine Learning (ICML) 2024 full paper deadline on Friday, February 2. However, it also reflects a broader trend in the increasing demands of data-intensive research. The IO profile was so heavy at times that our systems automation throttled the checkpoint capacity to near 0 in order to keep storage performance up and prioritize general cluster navigation and contributed resources. We have an internal tool called iopsaver that automatically reduces IOPS by intelligently requeuing checkpoint jobs generating the highest IOPS while concurrently limiting the number of total active checkpoint jobs until the overall storage is within its operating capacity. At times over the past few weeks you may have noticed that iopsaver had reduced the checkpoint job capacity to near 0 to maintain overall storage usability.

    During today’s maintenance, we have upgraded the memory on existing storage servers so that we could enable Local Read-Only Cache (LROC) although we don’t anticipate it will be live until tomorrow. Once enabled, LROC allows the storage cluster to make use of a previously idle SSD capacity to cache frequently accessed files on this more performant storage tier medium. We expect LROC to make a big difference as during this period of the last several weeks, the majority of the recent IO bottlenecking was attributed to a high volume of read operations. As always, we will continue to monitor developments and adjust our policies and solutions accordingly to benefit the most researchers and users of HYAK.

  • Scrubbed Policy: In the recent past this space has filled up. As a reminder, this is a free-for-all space and a communal resource for when you have data you only need to temporarily burst out into past your usual allocations from your other group affiliations. To ensure greater equity among its use, we have instituted a 10TB and 10M files limit for each user in scrubbed. This impacts <1% of users as only a handful of users were using an amount of quota from scrubbed >10TB.


Hopefully you found these extra details informative. If you have any questions for us, please reach out to the team by emailing help@uw.edu with Hyak somewhere in the subject or body. Thanks!