Working in the Overlay

In this section we're going to create an overlay: think of it as adding a changeable layer on top of the unchangeable container. This section is critical because we will install Conda & modify it within the overlay.


This section is performed entirely on klone, not your local computer.

Creating a mutable overlay#

We recommend exiting any interactive jobs on klone if applicable and using exit to log out of klone completely, starting with a clean slate.

First, we'll use our new ssh shortcut to get onto the login node. Then, we'll request an interactive job called klone-container in the ckpt partition with 1 CPU (unless otherwise specified with --ntasks, a job will have 1 task) and 16GB of memory for a mazimum time of 4 hours:

ssh klone-login
### Truncated login and Duo 2-Factor Authentication
salloc --partition=ckpt --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=16G --job-name=klone-container --time=4:00:00

Now that we're on a node, in a job named "klone-container", we can create our overlay. The command itself is trivial, but it does require a bit of thought. The size you specify here is in MB: consider how much space you think you'll need to fit your Conda installation. Two things to keep in mind:

  1. The overlay we are creating is an ext3 filesystem, so while technically it is possible to change the size, it's often easier to start over.
    • This means you should try to make sure it's large enough to fit your Conda installation and environments.
  2. When you run this, a file will be created that takes up the entire space.
    • This means that while you want the file to be large enough to fit Conda, you will anger your lab if you allocate 100GB when you only needed 5GB.

By this point in the tutorial, we hope you understand that disk storage management is important, as we have stressed selecting your working directory. Here is the command to create your overlay for conda:

apptainer overlay create --size 5120 conda-overlay.img

Once finished, you can run the container with your overlay attached. We'll test the overlay by writing a file within at the root-level of the overlay:

apptainer run --overlay conda-overlay.img hyak-container.sif
Apptainer> echo "It works!" > /overlay.txt
Apptainer> cat /overlay.txt
It works!
Apptainer> exit

Above, Apptainer> indicates that you are working in a shell inside the container-overlay image. You don't need to copy Apptainer> with these code lines to follow the tutorial.

Try to understand where we just created that file. That overlay.txt exists only in your overlay. If you enter this container without adding the overlay, overlay.txt won't exist. It doesn't exist on the node (users don't have permissions to create files here).

To demonstrate this:

apptainer run hyak-container.sif
Apptainer> cat /overlay.txt
cat: /overlay.txt: No such file or directory
Apptainer> exit
cat /overlay.txt
cat: /overlay.txt: No such file or directory

Before we continue, there's a distinction you must understand:

  • You can attach your overlay, like we just did, in read-write mode. This allows you to make modifications.
  • You can also attach your overlay as read-only, by appending :ro to the overlay path like this:
apptainer run --overlay conda-overlay.img:ro hyak-container.sif
Read-write overlays are restricted

If you attach an overlay in read-write mode, you will not be able to attach it to another container—even in read-only—until it has been closed.

If you attach an overlay in read-only mode, you can use it as many times as you need.

The command to run our container is rather long, and there's two different ways we might call it (one for read-write, one for read-only), so we've made two short scripts to lauch the container with overlay, which we want you to copy into your working directory:

cp /sw/hyak101/python/ .
cp /sw/hyak101/python/ .

Use cat to view its contents. Use cat to view it or its contents below:

apptainer run --overlay conda-overlay.img hyak-container.sif ${@}

The only difference between these launchers is the inclusion of :ro in the latter, which mounts the overlay read-only.

In the Building a Container section, we defined a couple methods of running the container.

  1. Without arguments: launch an interactive shell.
  2. With arguments: try to execute the arguments.

Passing the arguments given to this script (${@}) to the container makes sure our launcher can start both methods.

One last thing, don't forget to make these scripts executable:

chmod +x launch-container*.sh

From now on, we are going to use the script to launch the container-overlay combo in read-write mode, but you can go back to the read-only version at any time.

Installing Miniconda#

Let's use our script to get into the container (in read-write mode) and install Miniconda. To run the Bash script we add ./ in front and we will see the Apptainer> prompt indicating we are inside a shell within the container. Then we can use wget to download the installer script from the internet.

# Note "Apptainer>" shows that you are inside the container.
Apptainer> wget

Once the installer finishes downloading, we'll tell it to install Miniconda at /opt/miniconda which will only exist in our overlay:

Apptainer> bash -b -p /opt/miniconda

To make this even more convenient, once Miniconda is installed, we'll add the overlay's conda to our ~/.bashrc.

Apptainer> /opt/miniconda/bin/conda init bash
no change /opt/miniconda/condabin/conda
no change /opt/miniconda/bin/conda
no change /opt/miniconda/bin/conda-env
no change /opt/miniconda/bin/activate
no change /opt/miniconda/bin/deactivate
no change /opt/miniconda/etc/profile.d/
no change /opt/miniconda/etc/fish/conf.d/
no change /opt/miniconda/shell/condabin/Conda.psm1
no change /opt/miniconda/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1
no change /opt/miniconda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh
no change /opt/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
modified /mmfs1/home/UWNetID/.bashrc
==> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <==

Now we'll reconnect & see if it worked:

Apptainer> exit
# Relauch the container with the script
Apptainer> conda
usage: conda [-h] [-V] command ...

Being able to open the conda usage documentation shows that the installation of conda worked.

Fun Fact

Even this mini installation of Conda, with no custom environments, takes up over 22,000 inodes! However, as far as the cluster is concerned, you've only created a single file: your overlay at ~/conda-overlay.img.

Next up, we'll create an environment and install Jupyter.

Configuring Jupyter#

To complete our containerized version of conda, we will demonstrate running services (like a Jupyter server) inside a container.

Pro tip: customization opportunity

If you are a conda user, but don't need this container for jupyter, at this point you could build a custom environment for any python protocol by adapting the following isntructions to install your required packages.

Installing the Jupyter software#

First, we'll create a jupyter environment, activate it, and install the jupyter package.

Apptainer> conda create --name jupyter
Apptainer> conda activate jupyter
Apptainer> conda install -y jupyter

The set up of your container-overlay combo is complete for this tutorial. Now you can exit the container and move onto the next set of instructions starting jupyter.

Apptainer> exit

Creating our Jupyter server launch script#

If you recall from the Building a Container section, we defined a second way to start our container: apptainer run hyak-container.sif arguments, which attempts to run whatever we put in arguments. We need script called that will launch a Jupyter server for us, so that we can pass that to the container as our argument.

This script has already been created, and you can copy it from /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/python into your home directory.

cp /mmfs1/sw/hyak101/python/ .
# print the contents of the script to your screen with cat

We'll use this script during the start up sequence. The take-away message is that and work together to launch the container and overlay and start conda and jupyter server from within the container.

Extra Credit: Understanding the script

Let's walk through, as it is fairly complex:

1. Getting into our conda environment.#

At the top, we have a variable that you can change if you want to run JupyterLab instead of a Jupyter notebook server. Just change the SERVER_TYPE to 'lab'.

if [[ -z $APPTAINER_NAME ]]; then
echo "Error: not in an Apptainer container"
exit 1
. ~/.bashrc
conda activate jupyter
if (( $? != 0 )); then
echo "Error: couldn't start Jupyter"
exit 1

Next is our first error check: if we're not in a container (i.e. if the environment variable APPTAINER_NAME isn't set), print an error message and exit.

Then, we'll source our ~/.bashrc to get access to the conda installation in our overlay and activate the jupyter environment we created. If that conda command fails for any reason, exit with an error message.

2. Finding an open port.#

function OPEN_PORT() {
read LOWERPORT UPPERPORT < /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
(( PORT = 0 ))
while :; do
(echo -n >/dev/tcp/localhost/$PORT) >/dev/null 2>&1
if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
echo $PORT

This starts by reading the local port range, available at /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range. Then, it picks random ports in that range until it finds one that isn't being used, and prints it out.

3. Starting the Jupyter server.#

jupyter $SERVER_TYPE --port $(OPEN_PORT) --ip "" --no-browser >/dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 15

Here we launch the Jupyter server, with the following options:

  • $SERVER_TYPE: this is what we specified at the top, a notebook server.
  • --port $(OPEN_PORT): this verified-open port from our helper function.
  • --ip "": this says that we'll allow connections from anywhere.
  • --no-browser: this launches the Jupyter server without attempting to start up a browser like Firefox locally.
  • >/dev/null 2>&1: this silences the Jupyter launch by sending STDOUT and STDERR to /dev/null.
  • & this puts the server process in the background.

Before we move on, we save the process ID ($!) for the Jupyter server and sleep for 15 seconds while it starts up.

4. Getting the Jupyter server's connection information.#

for i in {1..5}; do
RUNNING_SERVER=$(jupyter $SERVER_TYPE list --json)
if [[ -n $RUNNING_SERVER ]]; then
python3 -c \
"import json; d=json.loads('$RUNNING_SERVER'); print(d['port'],d['token'])" \
> ~/.jupyter-port-and-token
sleep 5

This loop will try 5 times to get the port & token for the Jupyter server that we started. Once we see some output from the jupyter notebook command, i.e. the RUNNING_SERVER variable isn't empty, we'll use a Python oneliner to:

  1. Parse and print the port and token.
  2. Place that information in a hidden file for us later.

5. Keeping our launcher running.#

if [[ -n $RUNNING_SERVER ]]; then
echo "Info: Jupyter server is running, port & token in ~/.jupyter-port-and-token"
rm ~/.jupyter-port-and-token
echo "Error: couldn't find a running Jupyter server"
exit 1

If we ended up getting the server information, we'll keep the script running with wait $JUPYTER_PID, which will wait until the Jupyter process is closed. Once the Jupyter server is closed, we remove the hidden file with our connection information.

If we didn't get any Jupyter server information, print an error message and exit.